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Flexible operability is at the heart of the job. The NDI 230 excavator utilizes the best Korean hydraulic system. The driver can distribute the oil evenly according to the operation requirements, so that the power arm, the stick and the bucket can be operated flexibly, quickly and efficiently. Realize what you really want.
Designed for heavy-duty applications, the NDI 230 comes standard with a reinforced front work unit and a 1.2m3 large bucket for maximum excavation. It not only has superior loading capacity, but also fuel efficiency, helping customers to increase revenue. It is currently one of the best-selling models on the market. This type of excavator is often used in common earthwork construction, such as foundation excavation, road and railway subgrade construction.
MODELL | NDI 230 |
Specifikation | |
vikt(kg) | 21500 |
hink (m³) | 0..5-1.28 |
bomlängd (mm)4602 | 5700 |
stickans längd (mm) | 2900 |
Prestanda | |
svänghastighet(varv/min) | 12.4 |
gånghastighet(km/h) | 3.1-4.5 |
skopa grävkraft(KN) | 136.2 |
stick gräva kraft (KNKN) | 97 |
Motor | |
motormodell | Lsuzu/Cummins |
nominell effekt(kW/varv/min) | 135/1950 |
kylningsmetod | Vattenkylning |
Hydrauliskt system | |
typ av huvudpump | variabel axialkolvpump |
huvudpumpens flöde(L/min) | 2*215 |
Huvudkroppens storlek | |
total längd (mm) | 9510 |
total bredd (mm) | 2990 |
total höjd (mm) | 3030 |
Kabinhöjd (mm) | 3000 |
Avstånd mellan kropp och mark (mm) | 1105 |
Längd på larvband (mm) | 4440 |
larvband pallbredd (mm) | 600 |
Bandbredd (mm) | 3645 |
Avstånd mellan larvbanden (mm) | 2390 |
Minsta avstånd till marken (mm) | 480 |
svansens gyrationsradie (mm) | 2750 |
Arbetsområde | |
maximalt grävdjup (2,5 m) (mm) | 6445 |
maximalt vertikalt väggdjup vid grävning (mm) | 6045 |
maximal lossningshöjd (mm) | 6810 |
maximal grävhöjd (mm) | 9660 |
maximum digging depht(mm) | 6630 |
maximum digging radius(mm) | 9735 |
maximum digging radius(mm) | 9910 |
Tfn: +8615866054967
WhatsApp: Rippa-koncernen
Adress: No.6 Industrial Park, Chongwen Avenue 2166, Gaoxin District, Jining City, Shandong-provinsen