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2,2 ton minigrävmaskin med CE

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2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer 2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer 2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer 2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer 2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer


Importerade tillbehör för att förbättra maskinens övergripande prestanda.

Signle-smidesformad cylinder, inte lätt att bryta, inbyggd NOK-tätning.

Använd tjockare högkvalitativt stål, tillämpa plastgjutningsprocess, förhindra rost och korrosion.

Användningen av reducerare från internationellt kända varumärken ger smidig drift och hög tillförlitlighet.

Den 360-gradiga kroppen roterar fritt och den smarta kroppen underlättar utomhusarbete.

2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer 2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer


Kubota-motor / pilot flervägsventil / pilotkontrollhandtag / paiyi färdmotor / importerad oljecylinder, oljerör inbyggd NOk-tätningsring / öppningsbar bakdörr / justerbart schaktblad / slitstark gummibana / justerbart förarsäte / standardskopa


Hammare / Ripper / Stamgrip / Riva / Skruvborr / Stor skopa / Stängd hytt / Lera skopa

2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer


2.2 Ton Mini excavator With CE is used to restore the ground, break the concrete, and for cable casting, water pipe laying,planting, cleaningof river/ditch and construction project. 

2.2 Ton Mini excavator With CEhas several functions; excavation, breaking, ditch cleaning, drilling,bulldozing and ect.

2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer


Chinese mini excavators are widely used in multiple scenarios due to their flexibility and versatility. Here are some main usage scenarios.Agricultural field.In the agricultural field, small excavators also play an irreplaceable role. They can be used for farmland leveling and construction of drainage and irrigation systems, such as trench excavation, drainage and other work.

2.2 Ton Mini Excavator With CE-RIPPA™️ Excavator Manufacturer

 In addition, in agricultural and animal husbandry landscape work, due to the narrow natural environment and the surrounding areas are often blocked by seedlings and crops, it is difficult for large machinery to be used, so mini excavators are just suitable. In vegetable greenhouses, due to the limited space in the greenhouse, large and medium-sized agricultural vehicles cannot operate effectively. Micro excavators are widely used for digging, trenching and other tasks.

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